Dragon Gym offers a variety of martial arts and fitness programs for children and adults. Check our blog often to stay current with what is going on at the gyms in Exton, Malvern, Phoenixville, and Berwyn, PA to learn about the programs we offer, and to find the latest information on martial arts, fitness, and healthy living.
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Muay Thai & Jiu Jitsu at Malvern BloomsMuay Thai Kickboxing and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Demonstrations at the Malvern Blooms Festival in Malvern PA from the Dragon Gym instructors
Kickboxing ClassesA sample of the kickboxing workout you'll get in the Muay Thai Kickboxing Classes at DG in Exton, PA. Here's a cool heavy bag drill from Coach Lonnie Beck
The Top 5 Benefits of Kettlebells and PowerliftingThere are so many benefits to Kettlebells and Powerlifting for both strength and conditioning, but these fitness results may surprise you.
Why I Started Kickboxing LessonsExton Kickboxing Instructor talks about how and why she got started with Kickboxing Lessons
Chester County Martial ArtsChester County Martial Arts and Fitness classes for kids and adults. Programs in Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kettlebells & Yoga
How to Kimura from the BottomBerwyn Jiu Jitsu and Self Defense Classes, Coach Tom Goes over a Kimura Submission
How to Teach a Child to Tie Their ShoesKids with learning or motor skill difficulties can often have a hard time learning to tie their shoes, and that can potentially damage their self-confidence.
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"Be The Coffee"Be the coffee...be the change you want to see in the world.
3 Things parents do, are they mistakes?3 things that parents might be inclined to do, but might not be the best for kids. Here's what you can do instead.
Leaders are not in chargeThought Leader Simon Sinek talks about the similarities between leadership and parenting. How we can all become better leaders and co-workers and maybe even better parents.
My Personal War on CarbsExton Kickboxing Coach talks about his journey on eliminating carbs for losing both weight and fat. Read about how his struggles can help you here.