Are you struggling to eat healthy while being committed to your martial arts or fitness program? If so, here are five power meals that can provide the protein and nutrients you need.
Did you know that diet and nutrition can have a huge impact on your martial arts or fitness training? If not, it is time to learn the facts! Eating clean will help you look leaner and feel better while allowing you to train harder.
Here are five power meals that provide the macronutrients needed for building muscle, improving performance, and boosting your immune system.
Try out these recipes today!
- Lean Pork Tenderloin with garlic Brussel sprouts (
- Grilled Chicken Breast with Avocado Salsa (
- Healthy Quinoa Salad Bowl (
- Black Bean Stuffed Sweet Potatoes (
- "Paleo" Breakfast Bowl (
Now that you have a few recipes under your belt, what are some other healthy diet and nutrition tips for martial arts or fitness?
Here is a list of five helpful hints:
Eat lean meats like fish, chicken, pork tenderloin, turkey meatballs. For carbohydrates choose brown rice instead of white rice and whole wheat breads over refined ones. Carbohydrates with fiber will help keep blood sugar levels from spiking too high after eating making them ideal for post-workout meals. Healthy fats found in nuts such as cashews make great snacks to give an energy boost between workouts while also providing vitamins needed by the body! Last but not least eat plenty of greens like broccoli, spinach, and kale. Cauliflower, carrots, and green beans are good options too.
Try these healthy recipes. They'll keep you on track with your diet and fitness goals while offering a variety of options to choose from so you don't get bored eating the same thing day in and out!