The New Year, 2023, is quickly upon us.  Like many folks interested in self-improvement you're likely putting together some goals and resolutions for the next 12 months. 


Chester County Martial Arts Classes Help You Stick to Your Goals


But, do you know how soon most people quit their health and fitness goals? 

80% of folks quit, totally give up, their new fitness plans by February 8th.  Eighty percent!  That also means many have given up even sooner.  Perhaps they never even started... 

There are several things that you can do to stay consistent and stick with the process of reaching your goals. But, over the years I've noticed there's ONE THING that most of the successful people I know do. 

And, these successes have ranged from martial arts to health/fitness and business. 

Here are some strategies that help (and are important), but they are not the key, in my opinion. 


  • Start Micro - Whatever your goal may be, make sure to set up smaller, more attainable milestones. 

  • Be single-threaded - You can only change or improve one thing at a time.  We perceive ourselves to be multi-taskers, but really we are task-switchers.  And, too much task-switching is both inefficient and counter productive.  Focus on one aspect at a time. 

  • Journal - Record what you do. This can be something "analog" like a physical journal, or something digital like a spreadsheet or an app.  But, make sure you record what you're are doing on a daily and weekly basis to reach your goal. 

  • Set up a support structure - Going it alone might be heroic, but it's not optimal.  Find someone to pursue the same goal along side of you.  Find folks that are encouraging in your endeavor. Find someone who won't coddle you and let quit. Find a coach or mentor. 

  • Be SMART - Craft better goals, by using the SMART algorithm

  • Elimination - Set up your environment for success by removing the things (maybe people?) that will be detrimental to your success. 

Ok.  As I said, these are all effective strategies.  But, there's often one piece that people forget.  It's the icing on the cake that makes working towards your goal truly fulfilling. And, most people forget to do it.  Or, they are unwilling to do it.  

Maybe we have a sense that it's all about "self-discipline" so we don't do this.  Maybe our ego gets in the way, maybe it's something else. 

But over and over again, I see my successful students and colleagues do this ONE THING. 

They have a consistent and systematic way of REWARDING THEMSELVES at each milestone. 

When you reach a milestone, how will you congratulate yourself?  We are harder on ourselves than anyone else.  So, we need to recognize our own successes.   It can be something small for short term successes and it can be something HUGE for a big goal.  But make sure there is that thing that will make you feel great! 



Somnath Sikdar
President, Dragon Gym
"Be The Coffee." 


The next "Be The Coffee 35 Day Challenge" Starts on January 2nd.  You can still save $200, by registering early.  Just make sure to use code FRR13

The 35-Day challenge is, in part, designed to get you past that "hump" of 30 days when most people quit.  And, it's quite common for folks to lose 10-15 pounds over that time period. 

But, it's not a mere weight loss challenge.  There's a lot more to it.  


Here's what's included in the 35-Day Challenge:

  • Daily At home workouts, send directly to your inbox (35 Progressive Workouts)

  • Daily “prescriptions” on mindset and “non-physical” health

  • Check-ins with your 1-2 assigned accountability-buddies

  • Complete, easy to follow dietary guidelines

  • A Structured way to give up a "vice" for 35 Days

  • At least 2-hours of phone-free, screen-free time every day

  • An easier way to wake up earlier every day

  • Food and workout journals that keep you consistent

  • A visual transformation of your body

  • 35 workouts, no equipment needed

  • Intro to Meditation "Cheat Sheet"

  • Weekly Meditation / Mindfulness "Scripts"

  • Eat this / not that daily food template

  • Sample Daily Meal Plan Specifically for Women

  • Sample Daily Meal Plan Specifically for Men

  • Video tutorials of all exercises as well as variations for beginners and "advanced" exercise

  • Pointers for positive Behavioral Change and Habit Forming

  • Food Journal and Training Logs reviewed, by me.

Phew! That's a lot of stuff. Don't worry, the way I provide this is actually very easy to follow.

The next "Be The Coffee 35 Day Challenge" Starts on January 2nd.  You can still save $200, by registering early.  Just make sure to use code FRR13


Somnath Sikdar
Connect with me
Master, 7th Dan Black Belt
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