We have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions and answers on a broad range of Muay Thai kickboxing and fitness topics. Take some time to get more informed about Muay Thai kickboxing and joining a martial arts studio by browsing the FAQs.
Dragon Gym Muay Thai Kickboxing and its instructors take pride in our ability to help total beginners, full-contact fighters, and everyone in between reach their goals!
DGMT offers Muay Thai and Kickboxing Classes at our Muay Thai Gyms in Exton and Malvern, PA
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Does Muay Thai Work?
What Muscles does Muay Thai Work?
Does Muay Thai Help Build Muscle?
Does Muay Thai Help You Lose Weight?
What is the difference between kickboxing and boxing?
Is Flexibility Important for Adults
Can I start Muay Thai at 40?
How many calories does a 1 hour Muay Thai Kickboxing session burn?
Can Women do Muay Thai?
Will I get fit doing Muay Thai?
Is Muay Thai the best striking martial art?
Does kickboxing help in a real fight?