Dear Parents and Students, 

Here is the class schedule for the age-specific kids martial arts program at the Dragon Gym in Berwyn, PA.  We run the same schedule year-round; however, please note some additions.  

We've added a Saturday class specifically for 3 year olds at 10:15 AM and Early afternoon classes will be coming back soon: Mondays and Wednesdays at 1:15 PM

Since the school is growing and the students are earning higher belt ranks, we've also added a JUNIOR BLACK BELT CLASS.  This class is held on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.

If you have any questions about the classes, placement and timings, please feel free to give me a call at 610-647-4753 to reach Dragon Gym Main Line directly. 

If you're not already a member at Dragon Gym Main Line:

Here's what to do next: 

  1. Click the button below
  2. Or, Call us to set up your first intro lesson or sign up for our Quick Start Confidence Course Online
  3. Test-Drive our classes and make sure it will be a great fit for your family.

Sign up for the Quick Start Confidence Course Kids Karate martial Arts berwyn pa exton pa




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