I echo the comments of the parents above, and of course I would as we all became fast friends on the mat and now, off the mat as well! I was in the balcony for only a few months (over 3 years ago!) watching how much fun my son was having and realized I belonged down there with him.
The first class was tough for me, heck the first month was tough! I had to stop and breathe several times throughout the class and each time, everyone encouraged me to work at my own pace and get right back in there when I was ready!
Every single person in class introduced themselves to me and made me feel welcomed from Day 1. We help each other, we watch out for each other. We train each other. Now, on Saturday mornings, several of us even train together to practice the curriculum outside of the class schedule while our kids take the make up class or serve as junior instructors. That is how much we love being students and parents at DG!
As for me and my son, we teach each other forms and practice at home. We review stances, kicks and punches. He makes up crazy combinations to see if Mom can keep up (most of the time I CAN!). We are bonding over this and it's just one more way for us to spend quality time. Although he's on another mat at the same time I'm in class, I look back every so often and smile at him or give a thumbs up and he does the same.
There is literally not one negative thing I could say about our experiences as a family at DG. So, come on down and join us on the mat! You won't be sorry! The more feet on the mat, the better!
Dina Hoegen Perreault