1 Week Free - Fill out the form below



Wishing there was an easier way to get in shape, stay motivated, and feel great?

Well, there's no magic pill, but we have "cracked the code" so to speak...

Try us out for 1-week and see how it can work for you!

Combine martial arts classes, strength workouts, and the right eating plan to discover what happens.

Our program gets you lean, strong, AND healthy in just a few short, meaninful workouts a week.

Here's how it works:

Fill out the form below and you'll receive a free 1-Week Test Drive at Dragon Gym

STEP 1: Choose a martial art:

Muay Thai Kickboxing
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

STEP 2: Pick a Workout Program.

Power Lifting

STEP 3: Stick to a straightforward eating plan.

Get Results!

Fill out the form below for 1-Week Free Pass at Dragon Gym!

1 Week Free - Fill out the form below

Somnath Sikdar
Connect with me
Master, 7th Dan Black Belt