What's up with ​35 Days?

​There a few reasons for this.  1st is getting you well past the 30 day mark.  80% of folks quit within 3 to 4 weeks of starting a new fitness regimen.  My intention is to get you to and past that date.  At that point, some of the necessary habits will be formed.   There's a misnomer that it takes 21 days to form a habit.  While based on some research, this is not totally true.   The average for a generic new habit is actually 66 days.  We've found in the health and fitness realm it's more like 5 to 6 weeks of conscious effort.

Is there anything else you need to ask me before getting started?  If so, just hit me up!

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Somnath Sikdar
Connect with me
Master, 7th Dan Black Belt