Here’s what we know. Skills deteriorate over time at a rate determined by the specified task, predicted by the individual’s original level of learning. Therefore, the method yielding the highest initial learning level leads to the highest level of skill retention over time.

But what are the effects of martial arts summer learning on your child’s social, physical, emotional, and cognitive development?

Social Development:

  • Maintaining, increasing, and improving relationships with peers and instructors allows for social skill improvement, yielding increases in self-esteem, self-confidence, an improvement in focus, and more.
  • Group play allows children to continue to grow with their peers, rather than being left behind.


Physical Development:

  • Continued development of spatial abilities.
  • Martial arts skill retention.
  • Healthy habits maintained and improved upon, allowing for steady upward arc in advancement and goal setting.


Emotional Development:

  • Reinforcement of a time commitment and necessity of practice reminds students to follow through in their relationships, and the responsibilities to themselves and to others.
  • Gives them the progressive environment they need to reinforce the skills they’re learning, which in turn strengthens their retention of academic knowledge.


Cognitive Development:

  • Boosts in intellectual stimulation.
  • Prevents summer learning loss.
  • Martial arts structure in goal setting and goal achievement carries over to goal-setting habits in other measures of learning, particularly academics.
  • Self-defense learning is not at risk for mental decay.


In summation, summer camp is not about decreasing boredom. It’s about much, much more.